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Affiliate Marketing
- Ten Excellent Reasons Why You Should Do It
by: Elaine Currie
There are many opportunities to make money working
on the Internet. Becoming an affiliate marketer
is a great way of having your own online business.
Here are ten excellent reasons why you should choose
affiliate marketing for your home based business.
1. Be Your Own Boss - What a magical ring that phrase
has to it! This is my absolute favourite reason
for being an affiliate marketer. Actually, it is
my top reason for having any home based business.
2. Low cost set-up - Most affiliate programmes are
free to join, so all you need to start your business
is an Internet-connected computer and word-processing
software. You can work from absolutely anywhere
in the world and it makes no difference whether
you have a cosy office or work from a corner of
your kitchen table.
3. No shipping costs - You don't need to worry about
paying for postage or buying packing stuff such
as boxes, wrapping paper, parcel tape, labels and
so on. You never have to struggle with carrying
heavy packages to the post office. The cost and
bother of packing and shipping products to customers
belongs to the merchant, not the affiliate.
4. Choice of thousands of products and services
- All you have to do is decide what you want to
sell (and, of course, what you think people will
want to buy), just about everything is available
online. With affiliate directories like Clickbank
it's easy to find products to sell.
5. No merchant account or invoicing software required
- You can forget the problems associated with invoicing,
collecting payments and processing credit cards.
The merchant handles all payment processing; as
an affiliate, you never have to worry about chargebacks,
fraud or losing your merchant account.
6. On sale everywhere - Your sales area has no geographic
limits but you don't have to leave home. You can
promote your web site worldwide, every Internet
user in the whole world is potentially your customer
(and you call this a small business!).
7. High income potential -With your own affiliate
business your income level is limited only by your
desire and effort - not by corporate salary scale
structure or the whim of your boss.
8. No inventory to carry - You can sell any item,
large or small without having to worry about storage
space. You could sell trucks from a one-bedroom
apartment! You don't have to the worry or expense
of insuring stock or having extra security to protect
9. Low running costs - Apart from a modest budget
for advertising and a small amount to pay for your
internet connection, you have nothing much in the
way of overheads. You work from home, so the big
expense of renting premises is avoided and it is
possible to get income tax reductions to cover some
things such as part of your electricity and phone
10.Always open for business - As an affiliate, your
business keeps running and pulling in profits for
you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, even on Bank
Holidays. You are open for business even while you
are asleep. You don't have to worry about business
hours or delivery deadlines, all that proceeds on
autopilot. You don't have to worry about scheduling
staff holidays: you don't even need any staff!
About The Author
This is one of a series of articles about internet
marketing published by the author, Elaine Currie,
BA(Hons) at http://www.Huntingvenus.com
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